Journal of Shandong First Medical Unversity & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (7): 540-545.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2097-0005.2021.07.012

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Health literacy and influencing factors of cancer prevention and treatment among residents in Hefei

Qiling Pan(), Jing Chai, Xingrong Shen, Debin Wang()   

  1. School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,China
  • Received:2020-12-20 Online:2021-07-25 Published:2021-09-14
  • Contact: Debin Wang


潘启凌(), 柴静, 沈兴蓉, 王德斌()   

  1. 安徽医科大学卫生管理学院,安徽 合肥 230032
  • 通讯作者: 王德斌
  • 作者简介:潘启凌,硕士研究生,研究方向:慢性病防治控制管理,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective

To understand the health literacy level of cancer prevention and control among residents in Hefei City, Anhui Province, and to provide clues for later cancer prevention and control.


Cluster random sampling method was adopted and the questionnaire of residents' health literacy for cancer prevention and treatment of the national urban cancer early diagnosis and early treatment project was taken as the questionnaire to evaluate the tumor health literacy level of community residents in Hefei City, Anhui Province.


The overall health literacy rate of cancer prevention and treatment in Hefei was 58.6% while the prevention awareness rate was 83.0% and the early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment rate was 63.5%.The cancer prevention and health literacy level of femal was higher than that of male(OR = 2.841,95% CI: 2.115~3.815); About the degree of education,compared with those without formal schooling, subjects in high school/technical secondary school and above had the highest level of cancer prevention and health literacy level(OR = 0.365,95% CI: 0.218~0.613); About the occupation,compared with the staff/civil servants of enterprises and institutions, the health literacy level of cancer prevention and control in the company employees/workers group was the highest(OR = 0.438,95% CI: 0.219~0.873).69.5% of the respondents thought that they needed to know more about cancer prevention and treatment, among which the most needed knowledge was the way of cancer prevention, the inducement of tumor disease and the symptoms.


It is necessary for cancer prevention and control workers to comprehensively consider the age, education level, occupation and other influencing factors of the population, and adopt targeted communication means to promote cancer prevention and control health education.

Key words: cancer prevention and treatment, health literacy, health education

摘要: 目的





合肥市居民肿瘤防治健康素养总体为58.6%,其中预防意识健康素养率为83.0%,早发现早诊断早治疗(“三早”)意识健康素养率为63.5%。女性肿瘤防治健康素养水平高于男性(OR = 2.841,95% CI: 2.115~3.815);文化程度中与未正式上过学的人群相比,高中/中专及以上群组肿瘤防治健康素养水平最高(OR = 0.365,95% CI: 0.218~0.613);职业中与企事业单位人员/公务员相比,公司职员/工人组的肿瘤防治健康素养水平最高(OR = 0.438,95% CI: 0.219~0.873)。69.5% 的调查对象认为需要了解更多的肿瘤防治知识,其中肿瘤的预防途径、肿瘤患病的诱因、症状表现是最需要了解的知识。



关键词: 肿瘤防治, 健康素养, 教育

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