
betway必威登陆网址 第二附属医院坐落在雄伟壮丽的泰山脚下,是一所专业设置齐全、技术力量雄厚、医疗设备先进、服务质量优良,集医疗、教学、科研、急诊急救、预防保健和康复于一体的三级甲等综合性医院。

医院创建于1974年新泰市楼德镇,始称山东医学院楼德分院附属医院。1981年,更名为泰山医学院附属医院。1987年搬迁至泰安。2019年2月,更名为betway必威登陆网址 第二附属医院。建院以来,医院秉承“质量第一、病人至上”的宗旨,恪守“厚德精诚、博学创新”之院训,始终扎根齐鲁、服务人民,为区域经济社会建设、医疗卫生事业发展作出了重要贡献。



医院诊疗设备先进,拥有医科达 Infinity四维影像引导直线加速器,GE产3.0T核磁共振、SPECT/CT、512层螺旋CT,飞利浦FD20平板DSA等万元以上先进医疗设备1670余台套,,为打造高水平的医疗服务提供了技术保障。



多年来,医院始终坚持公益性质,不断深化改革,细化管理,狠抓内涵建设,努力为群众提供优质、高效、方便、价廉的医疗服务,开创了一条“质量立院、人才强院、科教兴院、文化荣院”的发展之路,受到社会广泛赞誉。先后荣获全国百家优秀爱婴医院、全国“抗震救灾 重建家园”工人先锋号、全省抗击新冠肺炎先进集体、山东省职业道德建设先进单位、山东省抗击“非典”先进集体、泰安市文明单位、泰安市抗击新冠肺炎先进集体等荣誉称号300余项。

谋划决定出路,战略决定未来。而今的山一大二附院人,正沿着“十四五”规划确定的奋斗目标,对标一流,提速增效,在“做行业典范 铸一流名院”的道路上乘风破浪,扬帆远航!

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University, situated at the foot of magnificent Mount Tai, is a first-class tertiary general hospital integrating medical service, teaching, scientific research, emergency treatment, disease prevention and health care as well as rehabilitation. It exemplifies an extensive system of state-of-the-art technology and medical equipment while stressing high quality service.

The Hospital had its beginnings in 1974, when it was known as Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical College Loude Branch, located in Loude Town, Xintai County. It was renamed as Affiliated Hospital of Taishan Medical University in 1981 and moved to Taian City in 1987, and renamed as The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University on February 2019. Since its founding, it has followed the principle of Quality First, Patient Oriented and the motto of Being Virtuous and Sincere, Erudite and Innovative, the Hospital has taken root in the earth of Shandong Province and has served the people all along. It has contributed significantly to the regional economic undefinedamp;social construction and medical undefinedamp;health services.

Up till now, the Hospital has a floor area of 115,000 square meters, 1800 beds opened and 2068 staff members, 357 of whom hold senior or secondary senior titles, 4 enjoy special government allowance granted by the State Council. There are 6 Taishan Scholars, 2 Qilu Health Leading Personnel, 4 second-class professors, 3 young and middle-aged provincial academic core members as well as key scientific and technological talents, 2 postgraduate supervisors, 92 experts were entitled as deputy director or above for national or provincial level Societies, 252 experts served as the member of national level societies The Hospital is equipped with 48 clinical departments and 8 medical techniques departments. Medical Imaging, Geriatrics, and Epilepsy Diagnosis and Treatment Center are Shandong Provincial Key Medical and Health Disciplines; Emergency Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopedics, Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, and Clinical Nursing are Shandong Provincial Key Clinical Specialties; Emergency Poisoning Diagnosis and Treatment Department is a special clinical specialty of Shandong Province; the TCM Department is a key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province; the Clinical Poisoning Research Laboratory is a key laboratory of Shandong Province for medicine and health; Medical Imaging, Cardiovascular Internal Medicine, and Gynecology are the key clinical specialties of Shandong province; Breast Surgery is a key specialty construction unit of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shandong Province; Neurology, Thoracic Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Gastroenterology, Medical Imaging, and Orthopedics Sports Medicine are key medical disciplines in Tai'an City, and Burn Department is Tai'an City Specialties in medicine; Neurosurgery, Obstetrics, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Intensive Care Medicine, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Hematology, Medical Laboratory, Cardiovascular Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Dermatology, Stomatology , Anesthesiology are the key clinical specialty of Tai'an City; Obstetrics, gynecology, and neonatology are special specialties for pregnancy/menopause/newborn health care in Tai'an City The Hospital boasts 16 master degree disciplines including Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Geriatrics and Emergency Medicine.

The Hospital values technological innovation. It launches into high and new technology and has formed its own advantage in minimally invasive surgery such as peritoneoscopy, hysteroscopy, arthroscopy and gastrointestinal endoscopy, treatment of cardiovascular undefinedamp;cerebrovascular diseases, spine undefinedamp; arthrosis surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, Cardiac interventional therapy. Furthermore, it has gained reputation in fields of comprehensive treatment of tumor, treatment of interstitial lung disease, endocrine diseases, Chinese and Western medicine combine treatment of pediatric diseases, Intensive Care and treatment of severe complex trauma, treatment of acute intoxication, extensive burns treatment, and intraocular diseases treatment, which appeal to patients from all over the country.

The Hospital is possessed of top diagnostic equipments including Elekta Infinity four-dimensional image-guided linear accelerator, GE 3.0T MRI, Philips 256-slice spiral CT, VE9 angiocarpy color doppler, which provide technological support for high-level medical services.

As Clinical College of Shandong First Medical University, the Hospital lays emphasis on teaching along with medical service. It undertakes theoretical lecturing, experiment teaching, probation and part of internship on disciplines including clinical medicine, imaging medicine and nursing etc. It has transported amounts of talents to the society. The Hospital won first and second prize of Eastern China, and third prize of the whole nation in clinical skills competition of national medical colleges and universities.After the 8th Five-Year-Plan, the Hospital has continually increased scientific research funds input. It has presided over 400 scientific research tasks from higher authorities which including 12 National Science Foundation tasks, 47 provincial and ministerial level tasks, and 341 bureau level tasks. It has completed 219 appraisal and evaluation of scientific and technological achievements with 10 of them have reached international advanced level and 162 of them have won rewards for scientific research from higher authorities. It has publicized 1856 dissertations in core journals and provincial-level periodicals, among which 139 dissertations were included by SCI by the end of 2017.

The Hospital vigorously propels talent strategy and comprehensively reinforces talent introduction and cultivation. It establishes friendly cooperation successively with more than 20 countries and regions including the   United States and Singapore , with whom it exchanges scholars for visiting and communications. The Hospital set up special funds for talents, supporting a large number of excellent medical personnel to study home and overseas, which enhances her integral level of medical service, teaching and scientific research as well as its comprehensive strength.  

Over the years, the hospital has always adhered to the nature of public welfare, continuously deepened reforms, refined management, paid close attention to connotation construction, and strived to provide the masses with high-quality, efficient, convenient, and inexpensive medical services. The development path of "Building a high quality by talents, scientific teaching and culture" has been widely praised by society. It has won over 300 honorary titles including the National One Hundred Excellent Baby-friendly Hospitals, the National "Earthquake Relief and Reconstruction of Homes" Worker Pioneer, the Provincial Advanced Unit for Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia, Advanced Unit for Professional Ethics Construction of Shandong Province, Advanced Unit for Fighting "SARS" of Shandong Province, Civilized Unit of Tai'an City and etc.

Planning determines the way out, and strategy determines the future. Today, staffs of Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University are following the goals set in the 14th Five-Year Plan, benchmarking first-class standards, speeding up and increasing efficiency, riding the wind and waves and sailing on the path of “Being a Model of the Industry and Building a First-class Hospital”!


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